Helping You With Your Professional Photography Needs & Services!
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FOUNDER & PRESIDENT was founded on January 3, 2016.  
JW Davis is the original Founder & President  and a Professional Photographer.

JW is an expert in the field of photography.   He is a firm believer on lifelong self-learning strategies and solutions for photographic excellence. He recognizes the need for the strategies and goals of continuing education and professional development in the field and profession of photography.

JW has developed this website to help maximize the reach, and impact of knowledge and learning assets of the photographic industry.  He knows it can be done through embracing emerging technologies and mindsets dealing with everything in the photography profession.

JW is an advocate for transformation and the awakening knowledge of new strategies and solutions in the photographic field.  Being involved as a photographer for over 40 years, and as a professional Portrait Photographer, he recognizes the need to stay abreast of the latest technologies to succeed.

Our goal here at is to maintain a network of photographic industry partners, connecting our visitors with resources and services to help them maximize their impact and expand their own personal knowledge in photography through education.

We hope you enjoy our advice, information, intelligence and our consistent strategic approach to self-learning. We feel the resources we present here are a very important aspect for your journey in the photography field. We hope you will leverage our resources to help you achieve the economic opportunities that await you in this industry.

Save Us as one of your favorite websites, and come back often!
You WILL be Glad you did!

Take Care...


Please Feel Free To Contact Us at the telephone or email below:  
We would love to hear from you!
Office Telephone: 727.657.3339
Interested in learning more?

Photographs on this site are copyrighted, with 
“All Rights Reserved.” 

These photographs are not in the public domain and may not be embedded or used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from

For further information, please contact 
JWDavis at

The Copyright Act protects photographers by giving the creator of the photograph exclusive rights to copy, edit and distribute the image by sale or transfer.

These exclusive rights make it illegal to copy, scan, edit or share photographic prints and digital media without the photographer’s expressed written permission.

Violators of this Federal Law will be subject to its civil and criminal penalties.

Be sure to discuss your copyright needs or questions with your photographer: reasonable requests may be accommodated.
Copyright:  JW Davis / 2014
Copyright:  JW Davis / 2014
Copyright:  JW Davis  2014